According to BBC news a police sergeant is seen in a video during a G20 protest in London hitting a women has been suspended. In the video it shows the officer hitting the women across the face and the leg. They are worried that the officers in London have been hiding their badge numbers to avoid being identified by the public. Just the day before there was a mad Ian Tomlinson who was pushed down and later that day died. That is also under investigation. The day after his death this happened to the women, they now know that Ian Tomlinson was not an isolated incident. They now realize that there is a systematic problem here with the officers hiding their badge numbers and attacking the public during protests. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/england/london/7999277.stm
This story proves that police brutality is happening all over the world. We only hear of the cases in the United States. It’s an old practice for a officer to hide their badge number from citizens, that was going on in the United States during segregation and Civil Rights. To hear that it is still happening this day in age and in other countries shows that people are still using the same practices and they know that what they are doing is wrong so they are trying to cover it up.
This incident sheds light on what can happen in other countries involving the police and the public. In London just like the United States put their officers off duty for further investigation to find out what happened and why they reacted the way they did. The police have a small fuse when it comes to situations that they can’t handle, that is when they blow up and do things they know they shouldn’t to these protestors. For it to be two days in a row when there was an incident of excessive for in London they need to take care of that issue.
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